The following is an email from Carolina Water to Courtney Fowler & Todd Kraft regarding the treatment plant:
Dear Mr. Kraft and Ms. Fowler,
I am writing you both to update you on our promise to have an engineer conduct an odor study at and around the Waste Water Treatment Plant at Nags Head per our October 14, 2014 meeting at the Nags Head Fire Department. I will also update you on some other improvements we have made and are in the process of making now and hopefully we will have completed by the end of August of 2015.
1. Diehl and Phillips P.E. firm will be conducting a three day investigation at our Waste Water Treatment Facility, lift stations and surrounding area beginning May 28th. The study will consist of taking air samples from various locations both on and off our property to determine the levels of Hydrogen Sulfide that are present in the air at these locations. The study will also sample water from our plant, spray fields and lift stations to help determine odor levels at these sites as well to help determine where the odors are originating from so we can determine a plan to address these odor causing issues. When the study is complete and we have recommendations from the Engineer, we will share these possible solutions with you so we can work towards a practical solution and a timeframe for the resolution.
2. Earlier this year we replaced two of our pieces of equipment in the Waste Water Treatment Plant in Train 3 as we discussed in our meeting. This new equipment works great and we are now in the process of replacing four more of these treatment units in Train 2 and Tran 1. This will have replaced/updated six of the eight treatment units in the plant.
3. We are also replacing the traveling bridge filter unit with a totally new/modern cloth media filter unit that will be able to handle all the effluent from the plant with the existing walnut media filters as a backup filtering system.
4. A third fan for odor control was installed shortly after our October meeting as well as Cherry Sticks for odor control per the suggestions from that meeting.
5. We also added a new chemical (SR2) to our # 1 (main) lift station to help stop odors from developing before they reach the treatment plant.
If you should have any questions about the above items or anything else, please feel free to give me a call at the below numbers.
Dear Mr. Kraft and Ms. Fowler,
I am writing you both to update you on our promise to have an engineer conduct an odor study at and around the Waste Water Treatment Plant at Nags Head per our October 14, 2014 meeting at the Nags Head Fire Department. I will also update you on some other improvements we have made and are in the process of making now and hopefully we will have completed by the end of August of 2015.
1. Diehl and Phillips P.E. firm will be conducting a three day investigation at our Waste Water Treatment Facility, lift stations and surrounding area beginning May 28th. The study will consist of taking air samples from various locations both on and off our property to determine the levels of Hydrogen Sulfide that are present in the air at these locations. The study will also sample water from our plant, spray fields and lift stations to help determine odor levels at these sites as well to help determine where the odors are originating from so we can determine a plan to address these odor causing issues. When the study is complete and we have recommendations from the Engineer, we will share these possible solutions with you so we can work towards a practical solution and a timeframe for the resolution.
2. Earlier this year we replaced two of our pieces of equipment in the Waste Water Treatment Plant in Train 3 as we discussed in our meeting. This new equipment works great and we are now in the process of replacing four more of these treatment units in Train 2 and Tran 1. This will have replaced/updated six of the eight treatment units in the plant.
3. We are also replacing the traveling bridge filter unit with a totally new/modern cloth media filter unit that will be able to handle all the effluent from the plant with the existing walnut media filters as a backup filtering system.
4. A third fan for odor control was installed shortly after our October meeting as well as Cherry Sticks for odor control per the suggestions from that meeting.
5. We also added a new chemical (SR2) to our # 1 (main) lift station to help stop odors from developing before they reach the treatment plant.
If you should have any questions about the above items or anything else, please feel free to give me a call at the below numbers.